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The Financial Crisis 2008 Explained in Simple Terms

Financial Crisis

The Financial crisis 2008 or the Great Recession is the biggest economic event in the world after the Great Depression of the 1930s. This article explains the causes and consequences of the financial crisis in a very simplified way.

[You may also read- The Great Depression of the 1930s explained]

What is a financial crisis?

What was the immediate trigger of the financial crisis of 2008?

What is a housing bubble?

Why did the price of houses in the USA increase? What was the cause of the Housing bubble?

The price of an asset is determined by the forces of demand and supply. The reasons for the increase in price were:

Why was the housing bubble disastrous for the economy?

But, the bubble burst eventually (prices came crashing down)

By September 2007, prices declined by 25 %. The reasons for the decline were:

What were the consequences of the burst?

This bubble could have been restricted to the housing market in the United States. But, it spread to the financial markets and to the whole of the world and became a global financial crisis.

Why did the housing bubble spread to the financial markets?

There were several reasons behind the spread:

  1. Availability of complex financial instruments like mortgage-backed securities and credit default swaps. It enabled investors and financial institutions around the world to invest in the US housing market.
  2. Poor risk management by the financial system
  3. Use of commercial papers
  4. Lack of adequate regulations

Availability of complex financial instruments 

  1. Mortgage-backed Securities (MBS) and Collateral Debt Obligations. 

2. Collateral Debt obligations

3. Credit Default Swap: (CDS)

Investors and Financial Institutions around the world invested in MBS and CDOs and bought CDS. Thus, the housing crisis spread to the financial market.

Poor risk management by the financial system 

The risk was spread throughout the system because of the complexity of the financial instruments. The financial system was unsure about the risks undertaken and there was no certainty in the system. Wide-spread runs began on financial firms and banks as investors pulled funding from any firm thought to be vulnerable to losses. There was a complete loss of confidence in the financial system.

Use of commercial papers: (CP)

Lack of adequate regulation:

The rise of the Shadow banking system: Investment banks like Lehman Brothers and Bear Sterns and the Hedge funds did not have the same regulatory requirements as commercial banks. They became as important as Commercial banks in lending, but unlike banks, they had no financial cushion to absorb losses.

Commercial Banks were required to maintain large capital which acted as buffers to decrease fragility. But, since Investment banks remained outside the purview of regulations, they assumed a lot of debt (became leveraged). They borrowed money for the short-term (commercial papers) and invested them in long-term assets. There was a maturity mismatch. Investors began to withdraw funding and there was a run on the shadow-banking system.

The excessive debt led to financialization (debt > equity) and financial markets began to dominate the real economy.

Credit rating agencies were also not regulated properly. They gave AAA ratings to the risky MBS and CDOs.

Regulators gave insufficient attention to the stability of the financial system as a whole. Though there were individual regulators for different agencies, there was no authority to look at the financial system as a whole.

The above factors interacted with each other and caused the financial sector to become increasingly fragile. It was a systemic crisis.

There was a breakdown of trust in the entire financial system. Nobody was willing to lend to each other. There was an extreme credit crunch in the economy and it affected other sectors of the economy which were heavily dependent on credit. Banks lost confidence in each other.

There were huge pressures on key financial firms like Bear Sterns, Fannie & Freddie Mac, Lehman Brothers, Merill Lynch, AIG and as the financial market was interconnected, it threatened the collapse of the entire financial institutions.

[You may also read: What is LIBOR and why is it going away?]

What were the steps taken by the Fed to contain the crisis?

Governments responded with fiscal stimulus and monetary policy expansion

This financial crisis led to a worldwide recession with huge unemployment and falling stock prices. It contributed to the euro-zone debt crisis as well. [Read about it here: /the-greece-debt-crisis-explained/]

I hope this post has cleared your questions about the financial crisis. Please comment and let me know 🙂

[You may also read- 1997 Asian Financial Crisis Explained] & The Trade War Between the US and China]

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I had also taken a course on Financial Crisis 2008 explained on Unacademy.

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